On November 23-25, Ponlok Khmer conducted its 3 years program reflection workshop in Seim Reap province in which participated by 15 staff and 2 Board members facilitated by Mr. Ek Yothin, the consultant. This is the special occasion for staff to present their achievements during program implementation from the last 3 years. Ponlok Khmer works in 87 villages in Preah Vihear Province, focusing on building capacity of community constituency, promoting forest and land tenure and strengthening community based organizations. The results achieved over the past 3 years include:
– 82478 people (40873 women) in Preah Vihear received our trainings on resource rights, accountable governance of land and natural resource management, conflict mediation and solution, community organizing and mobilizing, citizen journalist, Active Non-Violence and land and forest related law.
– The 33 CF communities actively preserve and manage their forest of 80382 hectare of forest cover in securing their food resources and the 10 indigenous communities actively protect and use their land of 102752 hectares in a way of communal land by their traditional practice.
– The community organizations in the target village are strengthened and mobilized to work together to advocate for land and natural resources. Those communities worked to support each other, one village to another village, from commune to commune and district to district, to help each other to protect and reclaim their resource rights and secure their food resources. A number hectare of agricultural land of local communities that taken by ELCs were given back to the community members in the target villages.
PKH also prepared its approaches for further strengthening our program implementation that include:
- build staff capacity to cope with new program strategy,
- improve representativeness of the community leaders,
- encourage and strengthen community networks,
- strengthen evidence based advocacy,
- promote collective activities and sustainable agriculture,
- build the furfure leadership for youth,
- promote social media usage in land and forest protection activities,
- self-funded, reduce risk by not allow to use home of community members to conduct meeting,
- promote community model to influence other communities,
- be a neutral work and pro-poor communities