Srayang commune covers 7 villages known as Mrech, Srayang Tboung, Srayang Chheung, Koh Kae, Romchek, Sambo and Snapha Aek villages that are officially recognized by Ministry of Interior and this commune is located in the southwest of Preah Vihear province next to Svay Leur district border of Siem Reap province, along the national road number 64, about 65 kilometers from the province, the statistic data of Srayang commune hall in 2014, there are 851 total families. 2 of 7 villages are Srayang Tboung and Mrech that affected with Seila Damex Co. Ltd that invested in the large-scale agro-industry development for cotton, rubber tree plantation in Srayang and Tbeng Pi commune of Kulen district, Preah Vihear province in size of 9000 hectares form the Royal Government of Cambodia granted on March 01, 2011. The consultation meeting with the local people on social environment The map of Seila Damex Co. Ltd Company in Srayang Tboung village impact assessment was not conducted.